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47.302.991 LTDA Trindade Enfermagem Belem


Deep in the heart of Belém, Pará, there’s a name synonymous with trust, expertise, and quality in the world of nursing: Trindade Enfermagem. Boasting an immaculate reputation, this micro-company has been making waves since its inception.

Getting to Know Trindade Enfermagem

Trade named Trindade Enfermagem and formally known by its corporate title, 47,302,991 LTDA, this health entity stands tall as a paragon of medical excellence. With registration details like CNPJ: 47.302.991/0001-20, it leaves no room for doubts regarding its legitimacy.

Brief Timeline

Initiated on 07/26/2022, Trindade Enfermagem might seem relatively young. However, its contributions have been impressive in a short span of 1 year, one month, and 19 days.

Business Specifics

  • Size and Nature: Identified as a Micro Company, its legal structure is a Limited Business Company.
  • Financial Backbone: With a capital social of R$ 15,000,00, the firm stands robust in its financial dealings.
  • Options & Status: Not an MEI entity; they’ve opted for Simple, which took effect from their opening date. Currently, the company operates actively, as attested by its registration status.

Reach Out

Are you intrigued to collaborate or inquire? Here’s how you can connect:

Location Insights

For those looking to pay a visit or send over some letters, Trindade Enfermagem 47.302.991 LTDA is nestled at Vila Martins 180, Cidade Velha, Belém PA 66023-300.

Behind the Curtains

Dedicated individuals back every great institution. At the helm of this esteemed organization is Alessandra Thalleessa Ramos Trindade. As the Managing Partner, Alessandra ensures the company sails smoothly, upholding its pledge of delivering unparalleled nursing services.

Company’s Core

Dedicated to the noble nursing task, Trindade Enfermagem’s primary activity revolves around the meticulous and compassionate care of the sick and needy. Residing in Belém, Pará, this firm not only upholds but also elevates the standards of nursing.

In Conclusion

Trindade Enfermagem, with its unyielding commitment to excellence, undeniably stands as a testament to what dedication, expertise, and a genuine desire to serve can achieve. As they continue their journey in healthcare, one can only expect even greater things on the horizon for both the company and the community they serve.

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